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Alen Forney- Lead Instructor


Alen is currently a sworn law enforcement officer in Arizona and a U.S. Army combat veteran. He has over 19 years of combined firearms and training experience.


In 2015 Alen began working as an Adjunct Instructor for the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) center where he taught basic active shooter response and exterior active shooter response to first responders across the country. He also teaches the Civilian Response to Active Shooting Events (CRASE) class.

Alen also holds instructor certifications in high-risk stops, patrol rifle tactics, patrol rifle optics, basic firearms, pistol red dot, Stop The Bleed and CPR. He is a Colt certified AR armorer and Glock certified pistol armorer.


Alen has served as a lead regional firearms instructor,  field training officer, tactical team member and investigator and is currently on his agencies firearms committee and active shooter training team.


Erin McLoughlin- Instructor

Trauma Medical Lead/Social Media Manager

For the last 19 years Erin has worked full time as a flight attendant for a major airline. In addition to her general attendant duties she also travels around the country providing job training to several thousand of her fellow flight attendants.

Erin has volunteered with her local sheriff's office since 2010. She currently serves as a Patrol Sergeant and Field Training Deputy for the Sheriff's Posse as well as overseeing the DUI Command Post during DUI task-force and acting as a Range Safety Officer during Posse Deputy range training and qualifications. In 2019 Erin became a Taser instructor and currently administers the Taser training program for the Posse.

Erin is a certified Civilian Response to Active Shooting Events (CRASE) instructor and Stop The Bleed instructor and currently oversees the Trauma Medical class and Social Media accounts for Latrans Training.


Chris Forney- Instructor

Firearms Program Manager

Chris currently employed as an Armorer and Weapons and Tactics Instructor at one of the largest nuclear generating stations in the United States.


He is also a former certified law enforcement officer in the State of Arizona and holds N.R.A. Law Enforcement Instructor ratings in Handgun, Patrol Rifle and Tactical Shooting.


As a certified armorer he holds current certifications as an Advanced Glock Armorer, Colt M16/AR15 Armorer and Daniel Defense Armorer.


Chris has taken a variety of advanced shooting courses including Tactical Shotgun from the Gunsite Firearms Training Academy, and Tactical Handgun and Advanced Tactical Handgun from Larry Vickers and Rob Leatham


As part of his professional training he completed the  Incident Response to Terrorist Action course from New Mexico Tech and is currently certified in Bleeding Control from The American College of Surgeons and the Advanced Wilderness First Aid course from The American Safety and Health Institute.


Jonathan Haywood-


Jonathan has been in law enforcement as a certified Arizona Peace Officer for 10 years and graduated from the Arizona Law Enforcement Academy in Phoenix.  He is currently assigned as a patrol sergeant but also served his agency as a detective and administrative sergeant. 


As the administrative sergeant, some of his duties included managing the departments advanced officer training curriculum and standards along with managing the field-training program and supervising the criminal investigations unit.

Jonathan is also trained as a patrol rifle operator, bicycle officer, field-training officer and background investigator as well as being a certified tactical driving instructor.  He has received specialized training in interview and interrogation techniques, dignitary protection and situational awareness.  Jonathan is a certified Civilian Response to Active Shooting Events (CRASE) instructor.  He has also completed courses in leadership and supervision of police personnel.

Jonathan is a member of the National Tactical Officers Association and Arizona Gang Investigators Association.  Prior to his career in law enforcement Jonathan worked in corporate sales and management.

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