Our instructors come from many different backgrounds and skill-sets. While our main staff strives to lead most of our classes, occasionally we have other instructors come in to assist or lead classes on either a part-time or contract basis.
We have featured some of our most familiar instructors below but this is definitely not a complete list.
If you are interested in becoming an instructor for Latrans Training please click here and submit your information.

Jimmy has 25 years of law enforcement experience and training as a state peace officer. He worked for Arizona Game and Fish and the Arizona Department of Public Safety during his law enforcement career and recently retired. He now works as armed security at a private high school in southeastern Arizona.
Jimmy is a certified NRA pistol and CCW instructor, LEOSA instructor, is trained as a patrol rifle operator and has a passion for providing quality firearms training. Jimmy is also trained in ERASE (Exterior Response to Active Shooter Events) and Active Shooter Response.
Jimmy has been around guns his entire life and is an avid outdoorsman. He is trained in wilderness first aid and CPR and keeps his first aid/CPR certification current in his current job.

Miko is a sworn law enforcement officer in Arizona and a veteran of the U.S. Army. He has over 11 years of combined firearms and training experience.
Currently assigned to patrol, Miko also is a member of the regional S.W.A.T. team. There he serves as a Crisis Negotiator (Hostage Negotiator).
Miko is a graduate of the Arizona Law Enforcement Academy, The F.B.I.'s Crisis Negotiation School, and holds a bachelor's of business administration from Western Michigan University. Currently he is a certified instructor for CPR, Stop the Bleed, and his agency's active shooter training team.